Advanced Treatment for Retinal Disorders: Restore and Protect Your Vision
Book an AppointmentThe retina consists of light-sensitive tissue that plays an essential role in your ability to see. Our eyes are equivalent to cameras in that they have a lens in front and a lens (our retina) behind. There are 4 important structures that together are responsible for a good quality and quantity of vision, and the retina is one of them. The retina is situated approximately 2 centimeters behind the cornea. The light entering the eye reaches the retina and is further relayed via the optic nerve to the brain. Thus, severe vision loss can occur in diseases affecting the vitreous, retina and optic nerve. The modern methods of diagnosis and treatment has made it possible to manage these disorders satisfactorily.
Over time, too much sugar in your blood can lead to the blockage of the tiny blood vessels that nourish the retina, cutting off its blood supply. As a result, the eye attempts to grow new blood vessels. But these new blood vessels don't develop properly and can leak easily.
At first, this causes no symptoms. However, without treatment, it can cause gradual loss of vision. Diabetic Retinopathy can take years to cause blindness. Early diagnosis and treatment are possible. Visit your eye doctor every year even if you have diabetes under control. Your eyesight can be saved if you detect a problem early on!
When the retina’s blood vessels are too weak, fluid can leak through their walls. This fluid builds up in the retina, causing swelling in the central part of retina. In turn, this swelling may cause some vision loss.
New abnormal blood vessels grow in the retina. These vessels are weak, so they can rupture and bleed into the surrounding fluid. This causes sudden vision loss.
Vitrectomy is an eye surgery used to treat retinal diseases. It involves the clear, jelly-like fluid (vitreous) that fills the back of the eye. The vitreous gives shape to the eyeball just like air gives shape to a balloon. But in some diseases, it becomes cloudy or starts pulling on the retina. In these cases, the vitreous may need to be replaced. Vitrectomy is the surgery used to remove and replace this fluid.
Intravitreal injections are drugs that are injected into the eye to reduce swelling and growth of minute blood vessels. Usually, the drugs belong to the “Anti-Vascular endothelial growth factor” group of medicines, so the treatment may be referred to as “Anti-VEGF” treatment. However, in some cases, steroid drugs may be injected instead.
Many retinal disorders involve abnormal or damaged blood vessels. These vessels may leak blood into the surrounding area, resulting in gradual vision loss. With laser treatment, the high energy light beam seals the capillaries shut. Closing the blood vessels may not restore your vision. But it can prevent the blood from leaking out of the capillaries. This stops the condition from getting any worse. At Shiv Jyoti Eye Hospital we have the Appasamy Green Laser to safely treat Diabetic Retinopathy.
World through the eyes of patients with Macular Degeneration
Macular Degeneration leads to central vision loss. Central vision is what your eyes focus on when you look straight ahead. Macular degeneration affects only central vision because it results from damage to the central part of the retina (called the macula). The condition does not affect side vision.
The exact cause of Macular Degeneration is unknown. It usually forms as the eye ages, so it is most common in the elderly. Your risk may be higher if you have a family history of Macular Degeneration. Lower the risk of Macular Degeneration by:
A healthy, balanced diet rich in fruits and vegetables
Avoid smoking & tobacco
Avoid drinking excessive alcohol
Use sunglasses to protect your eyes from sun
Maintaining weight
Dry Macular Degeneration is the most common type of the disease & least serious. The macula is slowly damaged by protein deposits and vision loss is gradual. The treatment only helps with the eyesight you have and does not reverse the condition. You may be referred to a Low Vision Clinic in case of severe vision loss, where you will learn the skills you need to lead a normal life and buy visual aids that help you with everyday tasks in advised visual loss.
Wet Macular Degeneration is a more serious disease. It forms when blood vessels grow under the macula. Visual loss can occur within days immediately. With laser treatment, a beam of light is aimed at the abnormal blood vessels. This destroys them and should stop further bleeding. With intravitreal injections, a medication is carefully injected into the eye. This medication stops the growth of the abnormal blood vessels.
Detachment of the retina means the retina separates (detaches) from the back of the eye. A small area of the retina may be torn in some cases. If this part is detached, it will not function properly, causing sudden blurring or blind spots in vision. Before vision is permanently affected, it requires immediate treatment. Retinal detachment can result in permanent vision loss if not treated promptly.
The condition may occur due to the retina becoming thinner with age or more often because the vitreous (the jelly-like substance that fills the eye) shrinks from the retina. Fluid then collects behind the retina, separating it from the back of the eye.
There are higher chances that you might suffer from Retinal detachment if you:
Have diabetes mellitus
Have had a retinal detachment in the other eye
Have a family history of retinal detachment
Have other eye diseases or disorders, such as retinoschisis, uveitis, degenerative myopia, or lattice degeneration, retinal holes
Have had an eye injury
Have kidney disease
Have high power of glasses
A retinal detachment is a medical emergency. Anyone experiencing the symptoms below should see an eye care professional immediately.
If there is a hole or a tear, the aim is to seal the retina around the tear to prevent fluid collecting behind the tear and producing a detachment. Your eye surgeon will be able to decide which treatment is best for you depending on the severity of the detachment. The retinal tear must be sealed and the retina must be reattached and prevented from further detachment.
The laser is used to produce tiny burns around the tear, resulting in scars that will seal the edges of the tear and prevent fluid collecting behind it – the retina is “wielded” back into.
Cryopexy is the term used to freeze the wall of the eye behind the tear – again the scar so formed will seal the edges of the tear.
Both these techniques can be done as out-patient procedures, and do not involve any incision, suturing etc .i.e. they are treated from outside the eye, no admission required for the same.
Large retinal detachments are treated with surgery – Scleral Buckle or Vitrectomy. For Scleral Buckle, a tiny synthetic band is attached to the outside of the eyeball to gently push the wall of the eye against the detached retina. During vitrectomy, the vitreous (a gel-like substance that fills the centre of the eye) is replaced by silicon oil or gas.
With modern therapy, over 90% of retinal detachment can be successfully treated, although sometimes a second treatment is needed. However, the visual outcome is not always predictable. Visual results are best if the retinal detachment is repaired before the macula (the centre region of retina responsible for fine, detailed vision gets involved). After surgery, normal activities can be resumed. If necessary, you will be advised by your doctor to maintain certain positions – posturing- after the surgery.
As the preferred choice for vitrectomy, Shiv Jyoti Eye Hospital has the Oertli OS4. It has set new standards in functionality and quality. The systems create ideal access and allow for smooth cuts and superb wound tightness. The pneumatic continuous flow cutter benefits from Oertli’s unique fluidics concept by allowing for up to 20,000 cuts a minute. It simultaneously ensures continuous flow and optimum portioning of vitreous body parts to be removed. In addition, the OS 4 also boasts an integrated endo laser that can easily be controlled via the multifunctional foot pedal.
The light-sensitive tissue in your eye is called the retina. It gives us the ability to see because it is made up of nerve cells that detect light. Normally, these nerve cells get nutrients from your arteries and dump waste into your veins. But if a vein is blocked, it cannot carry blood away from the retina. Instead, fluid leaks out of the vein. This is called a vein occlusion.
If a large clot tries to pass through, it can block the vein, causing vein occlusion. The risk of vein occlusion is higher for those with:
High blood pressure
High cholesterol levels
Health problems that affect blood flow
Vein occlusion nearly always happens in one eye. The symptoms are blurry vision that gets worse in a few hours or days leading to sudden loss of vision
There’s no cure for retinal vein occlusion. Your doctor can’t unblock the retinal veins. What they can do is treat any complications and protect your vision. They may recommend:
Macular hole is when a tear or opening forms in your macula. As the hole forms, things in your central vision will look blurry, wavy or distorted. As the hole grows, a dark or blind spot appears in your central vision. A macular hole does not affect your peripheral (side) vision. Age is the most common cause of macular hole. As you get older, the vitreous begins to shrink and pull away from the retina. Usually the vitreous pulls away with no problems. But sometimes the vitreous can stick to the retina. This causes the macula to stretch and a hole to form. Sometimes a macular hole can form when the macula swells from other eye disease or by an eye injury.
Macular hole is diagnosed by taking pictures of your eye using optical coherence tomography (OCT). With OCT, a machine scans the back of your eye. This provides very detailed pictures of the retina and macula. Your ophthalmologist studies these pictures to check for problems.